Your Shot of Fearless Culture #356: Anger Drives Excellence
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Hey there,
If anger is such a powerful emotion, why do we exclude it from the workplace?
We’ve been trained to believe that great leaders are calm, composed, and endlessly supportive.
But by chasing niceness, we lowered standards and let accountability slip through the cracks.
Here’s the thing: anger can be a powerful driver of excellence.
Research shows that teams perform significantly better after tough, angry talks. Coaches who call out performance gaps boost improvement, while “happy talks” barely move the needle.
Even when a team is winning, a small dose of danger can push them to new heights.
In my latest article, I unpack the psychology of anger and how you can harness it to raise the bar.
Check it out – and explore the other resources to drive greatness.
Stay fearless, my friend.
My Two Cents
My latest article → Good Leaders Know How to Get Angry
From my archive → The Positive Impact of Negative Emotions
One Question to Ask Your Team
Are we doing our best work? Are we giving everything we’ve got?
One Thing to Try This Week
Create your own hairdryer treatment.
Give your team a fiery and intense half-time speech – not tearing players down but challenging them to raise the bar.
Define your halftime: Maybe it’s the midpoint of a big project or a quarterly check-in.
If they're ahead, remind them not to settle: “We’re doing well, but I know we can do better than this.” If they're behind the score, tap into their potential: “This isn’t the standard we’re capable of – how are we going to turn this around?”
🍦 Feed Your Curiosity
You’re a leader now – not everyone is going to like you
Constructive criticism that works
Winning coaches’ locker room secret
🔥 Last Week to Save $300
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Do you want to build a fearless culture?
Gustavo Razzetti
CEO, Fearless Culture
The funny thing about motivation is that it can come from anywhere.
While intrinsic motivation is often more healthy and sustainable, it rarely is enough to really fuel you enough to give you that drive to do great things.
They say all great art comes from pain.